
1. 一般信息

Templateog体育首页 owns and distributes intangible copyrighted digital products and services. We can not issue full refunds after product delivery or related services completion due to their nature. This policy clarifies refund cases and exceptional circumstances that make our product and services not eligible for a full or partial refund.

在我们的网站上购物, users automatically agree to this 退款政策 and consent to abide by all of its terms.

2. 退款原因

作为业主, 经销商, 和控制器, Templateog体育首页 may provide full or partial product and service refunds under exceptional circumstances. The reasons that make us honor customer refund requests are as follows.

2.1. 产品退款

  • 产品未交付. 由于电子邮件提供商的邮件问题, 用户邮件服务器错误, 或者垃圾邮件设置, 他们可能收不到我们的送货邮件. In this case, we recommend contacting us for assistance. Users must send written claims for non-delivery to our 计费部门 at billing@eatingfish.net 自订购之日起14(十四)天内. Otherwise, we consider the product received and downloaded.
  • 主要的缺陷. Although our review team thoroughly examines all products before publishing them on the marketplace, 可能会出现意想不到的错误*. 用户应该报告bug之类的问题, 关键的错误, and functionality defects directly to product authors via 在他们的用户帐户中提交一个票据. The author has to rectify the error** or defect within 3 (three) business days. Suppose a defect is verified and the product author fails to fix it within 3 (three) business days from the date of the initial complaint email. 在这种情况下, a marketplace retains the right to issue a full refund*** without any compensation or reimbursements.

*Please note that we do not bear responsibility and do not satisfy any refund/exchange requests based on our products' conflicts and incompatibility with any third-party software if users use plug-ins, add-ons, modules, scripts, extensions, 等., other than those specified as compatible in a product description. We do not guarantee that our products are fully compatible with any third-party programs and applications and do not support them in case of resulting issues.

**请注意本产品 author can request temporary access to your server to identify and fix the issue. Inability to provide such access on time may result in a delayed resolution of the case. Refusal to provide a sufficient level of access for troubleshooting and resolving an issue may lead to refund request refusal.

***Templateog体育首页保留 建议可能的退款方案 对于所有用户,e.g.,产品交换或商店信用.

  • 产品not-as-described. Users should report such issues directly to the product author within 14 (fourteen) days from the purchase date. Users must provide clear evidence proving that the purchased item does not match its product description page. We do not honor complaints that are based merely on the customer’s false expectations or wishes.

2.2. 服务退款

  • 未送达服务. Buyers can request the service cancellation before the actual work on the project starts. 用户应提交 such requests within 3 (three) months from the purchase date.
  • 延迟提供服务. Users can request a refund if the service provider (author, partner, 服务中心) cannot deliver it within a specified time frame due to unexpected issues on the service provider’s side*. Note that the project starts after the buyer provides all the information required for the service delivery (access credentials, 项目规范, 等.) Failure to supply such information on time may result in declining the refund request.
  • 服务not-as-described. 用户应提交 such requests within 14 (fourteen) days from the project completion date. Users must provide clear evidence proving that the delivered service does not match its description.

*In complex projects consisting of several milestones, we can issue a partial refund covering the cost of the service's milestones that have not been completed. Please bear in mind that service purchases over 3 (three) months are not eligible for a refund.

**The marketplace $1 handling fee for product and service delivery 是否可以退款 or exchange without exceptions.

* * *的 延伸支援服务 是否可以退款.

3. 如何申请退款

Users can submit a refund request through their personal Templateog体育首页帐户 使用请求退款*选项.

If there is no response from the author or the theme author cannot resolve the issue within 3 (three) business days from the date of the refund request, users will be able to escalate the refund request to Templateog体育首页. 通过升级退款请求, users ask Templateog体育首页 to investigate the dispute and decide the outcome.

Templateog体育首页 will examine the dispute within 7 (seven) days after the escalation and decide the outcome based on the information provided by both parties. Users should supplement the initial claim with detailed and grounded reasons why they have applied for a refund, 请参阅本退款政策.

Before creating a refund request, users should make sure that it is in accordance with our 条款与条件.

4. 计费部门

有关帐单的问题, you can contact our billing department by following the instructions below:

在线聊天: http://direct.lc.chat/9531830/18

电子邮件: billing@eatingfish.net

电话: 1-347-342-0463